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From: E. Gladyshev (egladysh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-07-28 19:33:55

> 3. I believe almost everything can be done using the
> following ingredients:
> a. The ability to create, destroy, size,
> position, show and hide a
> rectangular window with no children and no
> decorations.
> b. The ability to draw an image (bitmap, png,
> etc.) at a particular
> point in a window
> c. The ability to perform simple drawing,
> possibly limited to filling
> rectangles and drawing straight lines, but possibly
> including more
> sophisticated constructs.
> d. The ability to draw text, with simple
> formatting. (Here I am
> thinking of text only for labels and simple edit
> controls. Word processing
> documents would not be supported.)
> e. A timer facility.
> f. The ability to harness UI events, such as
> mouse movements, and
> direct them to the appropriate widgets.

I see your point.
My concern is that there are many GUI frameworks like
Win32, X, etc. They already have their own "look and
feel" for the standard UI controls (buttons, etc.)
I believe that the library should provide a way to use
the standard controls as is. So we'll need to define
a much bigger set of ingradients.

I agree that one can derive other required ingradients
from the ones that you listed, but it'll be your own
"look and feel". In any case the proposed libary
should not be focusing on the drawing issues at all.
For example if it needs to create a list control. It
should just call the GuiTraits::create_listconrol(...)
function. It won't care how it is implemented.

On the side note.
It seems that there is a significant interest in such
a library. I'll try to setup a sourceforge project.
I invite anyone to join. Stay turned.


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