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From: Chris Trengove (trengove_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-20 17:59:07

"Jeff Garland" <jeff_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> Ok, but you couldn't you just use date here?

Well, the objects I'm dealing with CAN have time-of-day information, but
mostly they do not, and this is not known until run-time. So, for the sake
of a common interface, I want to use time, but simply ignore the time-of-day
part when it is not needed.

> Interesting, you are correct it does not work. The fact is that the time
> interface is incorrect because like date, ptime should allow special value
> construction and queries directly. That's been on the todo list for
> now to handle this right, but the fact that this doesn't even work is not

Yes the special date values don't appear to be regarded as "special" when
used with the counted representation. They just get combined into the single
counted value, and their special-ness is lost.


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