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From: Daryle Walker (dwalker07_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-24 00:22:19

On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 10:12 AM, Douglas Gregor wrote:

> I'd like to deprecate or remove two libraries:
> - min_rand has been the only entry in our list of "Obsolete Libraries"
> for quite some time. Random is quite mature, so let's just eliminate
> min_rand now.

Doesn't one of the classes in Boost.Random have the same distribution
as min_rand? If so, we can do a transition by changing min_rand to a
typedef of the updated class.

> - compose has been surpassed by bind to the point where we dissuade
> users from using compose if they ask, and tell them to use bind
> instead. Let's deprecate this in 1.31.0 and remove it in 1.32.0.

Maybe we can do a similar typedef transition here too?


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