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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-23 06:17:17

I'm experiencing a number of newly occurring build related problems:

1) The regression tests: the compiler_status program is failing to find the
regression test output files. The problem is that at some point the default
build location has shifted from ./bin to something like
$(TOP)/bin/boost/$(SUBDIR). This looks like a reasonable change but
compiler_status is still looking in ./bin. Note that my use of
compiler_status is slightly unusual in that I have a shell script (under
cygwin) that lets me do things like:

run_tests type_traits

and the script will cd into libs/type_traits/test and run the tests from
there, and then generate a set of type_traits specific html tables. This
has now stopped working since the build system change. If I've understood
this correctly, then I suspect that some of our regression testers are
actually generating tables for old "stale" results that happen to be sitting
on their hard drive rather than the new "fresh" results that been silently
moved to the new directory structure.

2) Probably cygwin specific: regex is failing to build with:

$ bjam
//cygdrive/c/data/boost/develop/boost/libs/regex/base.jam: Permission denied

Note the leading "//" this is the cause of the problem here (it works fine
on Linux though strangely enough).

3) Broken stage rule: stage rule lib name mangling is no longer working for
the regex lib build - see libs/regex/build/Jamfile. Probably effects
signals lib and Rene's new install code as well.

4) Broken include path: I'm seeing the lib build include path set
as -I"..\..\bin\boost\libs\regex\build" which is nonsense, I presume that it
should be adding the source code path to the includes instead?

In hopes of fixes,


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