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From: Pavel Vozenilek (pavel_vozenilek_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-10-22 06:49:06

I vote to include string_algos into Boost.

Few issues that may get considered:

1. Usual order of function parameters is "in, in-out, out".

    Many functions here have "out" parameters first. This is error prone
    and there's no way to check it automatically.

2. Documentation:

    Every algorithm needs to have small example(s) in reference section.
    Pre/post-conditions, throws, etc details would be useful.

    Example how to use string_algos with traditional STL begin()/end()
    should be present for every algorithm.

    Overcommented full examples are always welcomed.

    Advanced use of the library (e.g. with lambda or boost::format)
    should be mentioned.

    Complex internal data type names should be hidden from one
    only perusing it.

    There should be detail step-by-step recipe how to compile
    complete string_algos with regex (what files from where etc).

3. sequence_traits<> should become separate library (or part of

4. Having mutation algorithms return void looks OK for me.

It would be correct first to review container_traits<> and sequence_traits<>
but IMHO string_algos is too useful to postpone a year.


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