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From: Phil Richards (news_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-13 12:00:55

For better or worse, warts and all, I've uploaded my working prototype.
It isn't meant to be complete, and it certainly in anything like a final
form, but it sort of does some of the right things.

The zip-file is under boost yahoo groups with name
It has only been tested with g++ 3.3.2.

There is a very simple README.

Things I really don't like:
 * It isn't fully cut over to using boost things that already exist:
   I'd missed static_abs, for instance. (It does use static_gcd.)
 * There are only a handful of abbreviations defined.
 * Yes, it is hard coded to the "normal" seven fundamental dimensions.

This is basically a baseline before I rip things apart, and glue them
back together slightly differently. First, I am going to have another
attempt at using boost::mpl::vector - yes, it will be fixed length of
dimensions again. Second, I will generalise the base set of dimensions.
I still have significant concerns about how quantities defined in 2
different systems will inter-operate, but... well, it will be fairly
trivial to do.

Have a laugh, rip it apart. All feedback welcomed, not matter how
unwelcome it is...


change name before "@" to "phil" for email

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