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From: Daniel Frey (d.frey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-01-24 13:01:44

I uploaded the new version of the constant library to the files section.
Additionally, I added an example which shows how it can be used with a
unit library, e.g. YANL 2.2. The constant library itself is independent
of the unit library, and I hope that it can be transfered to the other
unit libraries as well. A short appetizer:

The promised clean and simple syntax for the idealGasLaw-constant works:

template< typename Y >
inline typename SI< Y >::quantity
idealGasLaw( const typename SI< Y >::pressure& p,
             const typename SI< Y >::volume& v,
             const typename SI< Y >::temperature& t )
    using boost::units::si::constants::chemistry::R;
    return p * v / ( R * t );

Tested on GCC 3.3.2 and Intel 7.1. Grab the files at:


Currently, they don't contain any documentation, but after the
refactoring, this is on the top of my list. Any comments welcome.

Regards, Daniel

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