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From: David Bergman (davidb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-02-24 09:46:23

Peter wrote:

> Powell, Gary wrote:
> > I'm siding with Dave A and the longer names.
> You are missing most of the points, though. ;-)
> > You can always shorten it in your code with an alias.
> This is precisely what makes it dangerous. Design mistakes
> that have a trivial workaround are the worst, because you
> will never get the feedback that will set you on the right
> path. Everyone just patches around it locally.

Exactly. What do certain people think is so hard with "fs"? *If* someone
would not have an intuitive sense of what "fs" might mean, it should be a
fairly short education...

Regarding non-native speakers, I thought we were all English speaking when
it came to software engineering? I do not understand why, and how, the
nativeness of this tongue would affect the comprehensibility of "fs."

I think we all agree on having telling names. I think we do disagree on
whether "fs" (and similar abridged variants) are indicative as to their
meaning. And, some people are dogmatically against abridged lexemes. I
assume some of those people live in the United States of America, whereas I
live in the U.S.

Regarding the ease of searching for explicit (read "long") namespaces in
source files, Peter succinctly pointed out:

> Of course it isn't. Your global search for 'filesystem' will
> only find using directives and namespace alias directives. A
> global search for 'fs' will stand a better chance to point
> you to the lines that actually use something from 'fs'.

Hear! Hear!


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