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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-20 05:17:32

> I love regex_token_iterator's vector<int> constructor - it fits my needs
> perfectly! However, my use of it is generating a trivial warning that
> should be fixed.
> Using Boost CVS 20040427, in boost/regex/v4/regex_token_iterator.hpp, the
> member flags is declared on Line 59:
> match_flag_type flags;
> And the member subs is declared on Line 62:
> std::vector<int> subs;
> However, they are initialized in a different order in the constructor on
> Lines 67-68:
> regex_token_iterator_implementation(const regex_type* p,
> BidirectionalIterator last, const std::vector<int>& v, match_flag_type f)
> : end(last), pre(p), subs(v), flags(f){}
> This upsets my ninja warning options on gcc 3.3.3, since members should
> appear in an initialization list in the same order that they are declared,
> for safety reasons.
> There may be other initialization order warnings lurking in the code that
> program does not yet trigger.
> I am always impressed with your prompt attention to my regex issues;
> again for the hard work!

Thanks, for reporting that one, now fixed in cvs.


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