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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-05-21 05:09:18

> Hmmm, any chance this will make it into boost::detail namespace instead of
> boost::multi_index::detail, for V1.32? That'd be great because I could
> reuse it in boost::fsm. I guess other libraries could benefit from this
> also.

>Well, there's already a detail/allocator.hpp header by John
>Maddock! I had a cursory glance at it and seems like the
>functionality and workarounds provided there are not the
>same as mine --the header is not very self-explanatory.
>Maybe we can coalesce the two things together, but I'm not
>sure. John?

By all means, actually the current detail/allocator.hpp is designed for
classes that are using an allocator internally, and may need to do a rebind
internally; the workarounds in there probably won't work for std lib classes
(or at least have never been tested with them). I also think that this
header will become obsolete when the next regex revision becomes available,
so basically do whatever you want with it, or I guess rename it for now
until I can remove it entirely.


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