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From: John Phillips (phillips_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-06-03 00:31:10

Walter Landry wrote:
> Darren Cook <darren_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>If so I wonder if the GSL authors would be open to a dual,
>>boost-compatible license so that a boost library could borrow code
>>as it needed to, rather than having to re-invent the wheel.
> Almost certainly not. They are not even willing to entertain going to
> the LGPL. There used to be a blurb on their website saying that if
> you can't handle the GPL, then use something else.

I just checked their website, and it still reads this way. The authors
of GSL seem to think that anything other that the GPL prevents
scientific collaboration. Thus, an FAQ entry that asks if GSL code can
ever be used in commercial software says simply, "No. Sorry."

                        John Phillips

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