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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-07-18 13:57:23

Dave Abrahams wrote:

>Rene Rivera <grafik.list_at_[hidden]> writes:

>> boost-root/boost/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp is original.
>> boost-root/boost/program_options/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp + *.cpp
>> is slightly modified copy.
>> Intention is that utf8_codecvt_facet will become standalone library
>> at some time and these files will be replaced.
> Then it should be moved to boost.detail, directory and namespace.

>Right. We should never knowingly allow (near) duplicate code in the

I don't think anyone did it knowingly.

Something like this should really be subjected to a mini-review and have its
own separate test and documentation and reside outside any of the systems
that use it. This has been mentioned before by various people. I included
Ron Garcia's version in the serialization project because I needed it. I
added a test and found that as one moves to other compilers and standard
libraries little things keep popping up. E.G. gcc standard library defines
wchar_t as 4 byte while others use 2. So the status is "good enough for the
serialization library"

The serialization review specifically invited reviewers to critique this and
no objections were raised that I recall. There have been proposals for an
improved version. My response is that I'm glad to use one that gets reviewed
and accepted rather than the one we have now. But so far nothing else has
been submitted.

It does work and navigates through the vagarities of the compilers that we
use. Rene's criticism regarding the the resolution of namespace issues has
been taken to heart and the code has been updated accordingly and tested. I
expect to check in the improved version soon.

Robert Ramey

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