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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-08-26 00:49:49

Here is short summary of the current status of the serialization library.
Its based on tests on my own machine and others. In some cases I'm
anticipating results of next tests.

Linux - 100 % passing all compilers

Except intel 8.0 - problem with serialization some collections - list, map,
set, and array.

Darwin - 100 * passsing

Except - one test of demo fail


Mingw - 100 % of all char archives 0 % of wchar_t archives. Apparently
mingw doesn't support wchar_t.

Itel 100 % all versions

Borland - mostly passing - this is the best I can do here

VC <= 7.0 - mostly passing - this is the best I can do here

VC 7.1 - 100%

VC 8.0 - 0% - I don't know the status of this compiler. Library fails to
build due to syntax error compiling spirit headers. I'm not prepared to
address this.

Commeau - 100 % EXCEPT archives which use wide characters. I believe it
would be easy to find if I could figure out a way to debug this.

Metrowerks CodeWarrior - This is a little confusing. One tester shows 100%
success. The best I have is all pass EXCEPT tests which use export facility
or wchar_t archives. Another tester has the same result I do. All tests
that fail have unexpected linker warnings. I suspect a build issue but have
been unable to find it.

So that's it

I could use help with

Intel 8.0 array, list, set and map. Its probably one error in collection

Comeau - problems with wchar_t. Very likely related to codecvt facit usage

Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Weird linker warnings. Fails for programs which
use utf8_codecvt_facet and which use export. Export seems to fail due to an
over zealous link time optimizer eliminating what might look like dead code.

Robert Ramey

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