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From: Thorsten Ottosen (nesotto_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-27 14:53:55

"JOAQUIN LOPEZ MU?Z" <joaquin_at_[hidden]> wrote in message

> Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
> > I think tr components should be allowed special status. What's
> the point in
> > putting tr components through a normal review, when there can be
> no interface
> > changes?

| As for my negative vote to accepting Boost.Unordered for
| fasttrack, my main concern is that other authors are patiently
| standing in line for their own reviews, and the size and scope
| of this library does not justify for a fasttrack treatment, in
| my humble opinion. Other than that I think the lib is needed
| and will eventually make it into Boost.

IMO any TR compliant component should be allowed into boost without any
major review. It's already been through a major year-long review in the
standard committee.

If some brilliant mind would like to submit a new and different hash-container
to boost with
more policies and stuff, then he can still do it. That doesn't mean we should
have the tr
components. Some people have actually spend a lot of time to implement this
they deserve a fast track-review, so we can all start using it.

As for the review queue, then we went by for moths without reviews. I'll
suggest that we'll
try to avoid that instead.


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