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From: Anthony Williams (anthony_w.geo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-18 03:33:12

Rene Rivera <grafik.list_at_[hidden]> writes:

> I've made a variety of changes to incorporate the variety of concerns people had. There are problem that I likely did not fix. And
> of course your browser mileage may vary. I'm not going to mention what the changes are. They should either be obvious, and I'd
> rather not influence perceptions :-)
> Yes, both the front and history page are updated.

Generally, I like it.

The arrows for "search" look rather similar to the arrows used next to the
headings, so it doesn't really highlight that this is a button.

When displayed with images disabled in Mozilla Firefox, the "Google" and
"powered" text overlap, and the search "button" overlaps with the drop down
list. Also, the "search" button doesn't look or behave like any other link on
the page. Actually, without images, the links in the navigation panels are not
highlighted in any way. Whilst we're on "search", "Documentation" doesn't fit
in the drop-down text box in Firefox.

Finally, there are plenty of cases where attribute values start with an open
quote followed by a line break. Better would be to have the line break before
the quote.


Anthony Williams
Software Developer

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