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From: Rene Rivera (grafik.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-04-23 01:07:55

Anthony Williams wrote:
> Rene Rivera <grafik.list_at_[hidden]> writes:

> When displayed with images disabled in Mozilla Firefox, the "Google" and
> "powered" text overlap, and the search "button" overlaps with the drop down
> list.

Can't really do anything about this, sorry.

> Also, the "search" button doesn't look or behave like any other link on
> the page.

That would be because it's not a link. It's a button.

> Actually, without images, the links in the navigation panels are not
> highlighted in any way.

1. Your mouse pointer changes shape.
2. The underline on the individual navigation panels highlights.

> Whilst we're on "search", "Documentation" doesn't fit
> in the drop-down text box in Firefox.

It fits for me. Did you change font sizes and not reload? (It's a know
Firefox bug)

> Finally, there are plenty of cases where attribute values start with an open
> quote followed by a line break. Better would be to have the line break before
> the quote.

That would be HTMLTidy doing that.

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