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From: Caleb Epstein (caleb.epstein_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-08-12 20:19:20

On 8/12/05, Cliff Green <cliffg_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I'm clarifying because when I see "async network io" I
> usually think of proactive models, rather than reactive
> models (I think the Linux asio library is a proactive
> model ...).

Just to clarify one point: asio is portable. It runs on Windows
(using I/O completion ports), Linux (via epoll or select), Solaris and
*should* work on any other UNIX-like platform that supports select(2).
 I had to make a couple of very simple changes to get it to compile on
OS/X (the gethostby*_r functions don't seem to be available on this

Caleb Epstein
caleb dot epstein at gmail dot com

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