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From: Bronek Kozicki (brok_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-02 18:15:43

David Abrahams wrote:
> I'm very reluctant to mess with the manifest stuff. I was told
> personally by Martyn Lovell of Microsoft that it was necessary and he
> helped me to get it right in our Boost.Python build. I don't really
> understand the manifest stuff at a deep level, so the fact that you
> found -D_CRT_NOFORCE_MANIFEST suppresses the problem you're seeing
> doesn't lead me to the conclusion that it's really a "fix."

Well, I just passed some idea that might work (and might damage
something else as well). I will look further into it tomorrow. Maybe
some more appropriate way of dealing with this can be devised . Maybe
you could ask Martyn to install Python (eg. from activestate) and run
regression test to see the problem?


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