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From: Cory Nelson (phrosty_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-14 17:17:21

On 11/14/05, Jan Stetka <janpstetka_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> So what benefits are we going to see from c++/cli for boost and what
> negative effects would it have?
> I would have thought it would use more memory. I've always found .net
> and COM for that matter virtually impossible to write readable code
> with. Making C++ more runtime is unneccesary. We (I think I speak for
> more than myself) don't want another layer between C++ and the operating
> system. We know what types were using and don't need the language to
> tell us.
> On the other hand Boost's future on the Microsoft platform would be
> ensured by this move as ms are stopping supporting (alledgedly) the
> win32 api. A number of boost libraries rely on win32 api.

Where's your source? I've heard nothing but "We plan to support
WinAPI and WinFX, which relies heavily on WinAPI." I've also heard
that they have no plans to force you to write managed code.

> Jan
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Cory Nelson

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