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From: Caleb Epstein (caleb.epstein_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-15 08:37:17

On 11/15/05, Darryl Green <darryl.green_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > >>>> Ok, will do.
> > >>>
> > >>> But note that will can bloat the library. Showing hex data is a much
> > >>> harder
> Hex data formatting (or any data formatting) shouldn't be part of the
> library.
> Or if it should, it probably means the lib shouldn't be dragging in all
> that
> std streams stuff that is supposed to be responsible for formatting...

The proposed Boost.Log library already depends (rightly, IMHO) on iostreams
for message formatting and buffering of partially-formatted messages. I
can't see why or how this dependency could be reasonably eliminated without
major sacrifices to the usefulness of the library.

The necessary code to do hex dumps on an iostream should hardly be
considered bloat. I agree with Gennadiy's assesment that 50 lines of code
should be more than adequate to do it. These can be in a separate header
file that is included only by the user. What possible harm could this be?

Caleb Epstein
caleb dot epstein at gmail dot com

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