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From: Joel de Guzman (joel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-11-24 19:53:18

John Maddock wrote:
>>>>Is there any progress on a TR1 conforming tuples implementation? I
>>>>seem to remember it was going to be rewritten as part of the
>>>>Phoenix code?
>>>Fusion. The fusion code in the spirit directory *is-a* conforming
>>>tuple implementation. It's been there since 1.31. We've just
>>Oops. Lemme rephrase: The fusion code in the spirit directory
>>*is-a* TR1 conforming tuples implementation.
> I've tried converting the TR1 lib to use that implementation but I'm having
> trouble with the std::pair interface which appears not to work:
> tuple_size<std::pair<int, long> > doesn't have a data member "value"
> apparently.
> BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same< ::std::tr1::tuple_element<1,
> std::pair<int, long> >::type, long>::value));
> Fails, I'm not sure what type tuple_element is reporting though.
> Finally the "get" function appears not to work with pairs.

Oops, I knew I missed something. Well, that's easy enough to add.
In fact, the latest Fusion (V2) has those interfaces. I can
backport them to Fusion-1 in the weekend. Is that ok?

> BTW is this implmentation documented anywhere?

Sorry, no. We're documenting Fusion-V2 though, the version that
I asked a boost review for.


Joel de Guzman

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