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From: Yuval Ronen (ronen_yuval_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-07 09:41:39

Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> Yuval Ronen wrote:
>>1. option 'Og' has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
> That one can probably be fixed in the build system.

I hope it will be.

>>2. You have used a std:: construct that is not safe. See documentation
>>on how to use the Safe Standard C++ Library
>>3. The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead, use the ISO C++
>>conformant name: ...
>>4. This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using ... instead.
>>I'm quite sure that they don't indicate any bug (am I right?), but I
>>still don't think they should show up like this and intimidate users...
> Seriously, it appears Microsoft set up a list of standard (ISO C++, POSIX, ...)
> functions that they consider unsafe, and they issue warnings whenever one
> of them is used. Some workarounds for these were discussed here before, such
> as pragma guards to mask the warnings inside boost code. No change has been
> committed to that effect so far.

Yes, I've heard of Microsoft's "deprecation campaign". I think that
compiling Boost (as opposed to compiling user code that uses Boost)
should not emit any of these warning. I also think it should be quite
easy to do. Well, I hope it will be fixed for the next version...


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