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From: Thore Karlsen (sid_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-15 14:14:19

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 13:48:37 -0500, "Arkadiy Vertleyb"
<vertleyb_at_[hidden]> wrote:

>> >What I did was to have the main thread accept incomming requests, and put
>> >them in the queue, whereas a number of worker threads was taking these
>> >requests from the queue, and execute them. I don't see how this model can
>> >be absolutely inferior in all possible contexts.

>> How are you reading and writing from multiple sockets simultaneously in
>> your main thread?

>I was not. I was reading/writig from the worker threads. The main thread
>was used only to accept connections.

So in that case you are handling one connection per thread, which does
not scale well.

Be seeing you.

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