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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-22 13:58:41

"Peter Dimov" <pdimov_at_[hidden]> writes:

> I very much do not like the 'traits' policy parameter (which is not a traits
> class at all, even though basic_string says so.) Do not deceive the users
> that you have a single axis of parameterization when in fact you have six,
> some of them redundant, some of them more useful than others. basic_ptree
> should be templatized on key, data, ordering, inserter and extractor, not
> necessarily in that order. The default arguments should be clearly
> documented and useful outside of the library context. It should be possible
> to eliminate char_type, but I'm not 100% positive about it.

It may be possible to use the Boost.Parameter library to help keep
this interface manageable. It now supports named *and* deduced
(unnamed) template parameters. A deduced template parameter is one
whose argument can be provided in any order because its type uniquely
determines which parameter it maps to.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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