Boost : |
From: Martin Adrian (adrianm_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-10 01:22:31
Alexander Nasonov <alnsn <at> yandex.ru> writes:
> I played with to_string_classic from
> vault / Strings - Text Processing / string_convert.zip
> It's faster then ostringstream but not much:
That is expected since the default implementation of to_string_classic use
streams. Any speedup is due to my special stream implementation which avoids
some memory allocations and string copies (20% faster is more than I expected)
The idea behind the to_string_classic is that you can specialize it for common
types. Something you can't do with e.g. lexical_cast since it uses the default
(The to_string_classic interface might need to be changed to allow
specialization though, never tested it)
You could also check the figures with the string_convert class where the
stream is reused.
string_convert conv<std::string>(std::locale::classic());
for(int i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i)
x += conv.to_string(i)[i % 2];
Nice to know that my library works on both intel and gcc
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