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From: Michael Fawcett (michael.fawcett_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-11 11:02:27

On 5/11/06, Beman Dawes <bdawes_at_[hidden]> wrote:

<pasted from proposal>

> We might say Sunday and Monday are merge days, Tuesday through Friday are test days, > and Saturday is tag day. Since it is possible to automatically tell if unexpected failures have > occurred, tagging can be by automatically scheduled script.

I know you were using a simplified example and you probably had
something more concrete in mind, but do consider everyone's varying
timezones (you probably did, or have a solution that makes the point
moot). Perhaps a SVN script that freezes stable during certain hours
so that merges can't occur. Then developers don't have to check some
schedule online and do the time conversion themselves.

--Michael Fawcett

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