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From: Hartmut Kaiser (hartmut.kaiser_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-15 21:07:13

Felipe Magno de Almeida wrote:

> > Could you please describe in more detail your usecase? Since this
> > change will be interface breaking it perhaps makes sense to adjust
> > other interface deficies you may have as well?
> I need to keep the context saved for various points of the
> file. The points would contain an iterator and a context.
> These points are saved for continuing preprocessing from this
> point after some modifications in the context.
> Having the ability to copy the context would save me having
> to keep the context of the preprocessing at that point in
> some external structure, so that it can recovered later.

Understood. I can change the context object to be copyable, but I'll have to
change all of the preprocessing hooks. OTOH it's probably not much more
expensive to use boost::serialization to store/restore the context state. So
I'm not quite convinced yet to go for the interface change. What do you

Regards Hartmut

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