Boost : |
From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-24 04:58:16
Paul Mensonides wrote:
> template<class T, class M, class C> inline
> typename closure<M C::*>::type operator->*(const std::auto_ptr<T>&
> sp, M C::* member) {
> return make_closure(&*sp, member);
> }
> Basically, the implementation above does all the work necessary to
> implement operator->* once and for all (for any number of different
> smart pointers). The only things that one might need to change for a
> particular smart pointer is how the smart pointer is passed to
> operator->* and how the raw pointer is accessed:
> template<class T, class M, class C> inline
> typename closure<M C::*>::type operator->*(boost::shared_ptr<T> sp, M
> C::* member) {
> return make_closure(sp.get(), member);
> }
> template<class T> class smart_ptr {
> // ...
> public:
> template<class M, class C> inline
> typename closure<M C::*>::type operator->*(M C::* member) {
> return make_closure(get(), member);
> }
> // ...
> };
You don't have to change the implementation of ->* depending on the smart
pointer type. *p is always the dereference operation, and (proxy references
notwithstanding) &*p is always a raw pointer to the pointee. get() is needed
for cases when the source is NULL, but we need not worry about them here,
as ->* isn't allowed.
template<class P, class M, class C> inline
typename closure<M C::*>::type operator->*( P p, M C::* member)
return make_closure( &*p, member );
It would work for iterators, too.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk