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From: Jarrad Waterloo (jwaterloo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-05-24 14:56:54

Here are my comments concerning Maarten's infinite precision integer draft.
I would not wait to submit this library to boost before these following
features because people are in need of it now.

1) The ability to extract sub integers out of an integer such as the integer
at bit offset 3 and length of 4. This is especially helpful in the area of
RFID where large unsigned integers are partitioned into smaller integers.
2) The ability to convert integer to bases other than base 10; any really
from base 2-36
3) An implementation of a fixed sized stack version of the
integer_allocator. This may be useful for performance when someone is not
working with an infinite precision integer but a very large one such as 512
or 1024 bits.
4) An unsigned version of the integer class that benefits from the higher
performance of unsigned operations

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