Boost : |
From: Johan Råde (rade_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-14 10:32:29
jmzorko_at_[hidden] wrote:
> Hello, all ...
> I've successfully used the Boost serialization classes to read our
> config file, as well as write updates to it. It seems to work well
> enough, and i'm appreciative of the effort that someone put into
> making these classes work.
> My question, though, is about this: There is another XML file that we
> have to read, that is generated by a server process that we do not
> directly control. We're currently using TinyXML to read from this
> XML file, but we would like to replace its' usage with something
> Boosty. The thing is, the current Boost serialization classes seem
> to need some special tags and attributes in the XML
> (boost_serialization tag, class_id / tracking_level / version
> attributes) to read from it, and the server process which creates
> this XML file doesn't put those attributes in there (and we would
> prefer to not have the maintainers of that process make a change just
> for us). Is there another way I can use Boost to read from an XML,
> and fill an object with its' values (like the serialization classes
> do), without needing those special tags / attrbutes?
> Regards,
> John
Take a look at the Boost Property Tree library.
It contains a very basic XML parser.
It will be part of Boost 1.34 and is available in the Boost Vault.
--Johan Råde
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk