Boost : |
From: Martin Slater (mslater_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-08-16 06:23:00
>Was it anonymous or named pipes you were thinking of? Anonymous
>pipes in particular look like easy pickings on both UNIX and
>Win32, so I could add them once I get the TR2 proposal out of
>the way.
Both of them ;-) Ideally I would be able to attach an existing OS pipe
handle as well so I could use it for reading output from std streams of
a child process, i'm ignorant of the issues on unix like systems for
this behaviour though. Currently I'm using sockets instead of pipes for
local interprocess connections anyway so I can still use asio and can
live with this for a while so I'm more than happy to wait until you have
I have been extremely impressed with asio so far, I'm in the process of
rewriting a prototype application written in a more traditional threaded
socket style and the simplification in design and implementation asio
has brought have been immense, thanks for all your effort and good luck
with tr2.
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