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From: Alexander Nasonov (alnsn_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-01-04 15:42:32

Andrey Semashev wrote:
> Hopefully, I have fixed those errors. I've attached patched files to
> replace the corresponding original ones. I'm not sure wether Intel
> compiler supports all GCC attributes I use and I cannot test it. Could
> you try to compile the test with these fixes?

It fixed gcc ICE but now it takes 39.5 seconds to build the test.

%time g++ -I../../../.. -I/usr/pkg/include -L/usr/pkg/lib -lboost_test_exec_monitor-mt *.cpp
/usr/pkg/lib/ undefined reference to `test_main(int, char**)'
39.499u 1.261s 0:41.81 97.4% 4535+5563k 0+142io 0pf+0w

Some Intel errors went away but I still see a lot of

../../../../boost/fsm/state_machine.hpp(486): error: function returning function
 is not allowed
          return_type (BOOST_FSM_FASTCALL*)(StatesCompoundT&, EventT const&),

../../../../boost/fsm/state_machine.hpp(487): error: function returning function
 is not allowed
          return_type (BOOST_FSM_FASTCALL*)(StatesCompoundT&, EventT const&)

Alexander Nasonov
No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant
in its preservation. -- Douglas MacArthur --
This quote is generated by: 
	/usr/pkg/bin/curl -L         \
	  | sed -e 's/^document\.write(.//' -e 's/.);$/ --/'  \
	        -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' -e 's/^More quotes from //' \
	  | fmt | tee ~/.signature-quote

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