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From: Thorsten Ottosen (thorsten.ottosen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-03 03:02:24

Paul Rose skrev:
> There seems to be a substantial interface change between 1.33 and 1.34
> of ptr_map.
> I'm trying to move a largeish project from 1.33 to 1.34. The only
> unsolved problem is that it has 21 separate declarations of a ptr_map,
> each with a dozen or so uses of iterator where *iter has to be replaced
> with *iter->second and iter->key() has to be replaced with iter->first.
> The 1.34 documentation at doesn't
> seem to mention this, and my searches can't seem to turn up where this
> was discussed.

This is not the proper 1.34 documentation.

> I can see why the new interface might be preferred, but can anybody
> provide a reference to the discussion (or other insight) that led to
> this code-breaking change?

Better interface compatibility with std::map s.t. algorithms etc. can be

The standard interface with std::pair might suck, but it is standard.

> Ideally I'd like my code to work with both 1.33 and 1.34. Any hints on
> how to do this elegantly?

Add your own layer of indirection:

namespace my_namespace
   template< class PtrMap >
   typename PtrMap::key_type ptr_map_key( const PtrMap& )
#ifdef BOOST_1_34


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