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From: Ulrich Eckhardt (doomster_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-05-20 14:31:46

On Sunday 20 May 2007 17:52:36 Péter Szilágyi wrote:
> I wanted to use hash maps in VC++

VC++ is not a compiler. At the very least, this needs a version, after all
there are ages between VC6 and VC8 and both are still in use!

> but it seems that they have only an old implementation, but not the tr1
> unordered_map type.

My guess is that they have the hash containers from the STL.

> Actually the hash_map would have been fine if I could use it with the
> boost "hash" class. Anyway, after searching a bit on google, I've found
> a page where is mentioned something about boost having an implementation
> of the unordered_map.

Boost has a TR1 implementation and it documents pretty well which parts
thereof are implemented and which aren't. Specifically that would be and it says that it is _not_

> [...] anyone has any idea how I could use the boost hash class with the
> VC++ (2005) hash_map class?

Sorry, can't help with that. If you dearly need TR1's unordered containers,
you could license a TR1 implementation from Dinkumware though.

Other than that, what exactly is it that you want to achieve? Knowing that
could help giving better advise...


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