Boost : |
From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-06-05 15:17:27
I must be doing something stupid. How can I process a sequence of
sequences? I expected to be able to use nested invocations of
SEQ_FOR_EACH, but I'm not getting the results I expect. Here's my code:
#include <boost/preprocessor.hpp>
#define INNER(R, DATA, ELEM)\
#define OUTER(R, DATA, ELEM)\
BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(OUTER, ~, ((1)(2)) ((3)(4)) )
I expected something like:
<< **1**, **2**, >>, << **3**, **4**, >>,
But instead I'm getting:
<< BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_M(3, (INNER, ~, (1)(2) (nil)))
BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_M(4, (INNER, ~, (2) (nil))) >>, <<
BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_M(4, (INNER, ~, (3)(4) (nil)))
BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_M(5, (INNER, ~, (4) (nil))) >>,
I've tried both msvc-8.0 and gcc-3.4. Can anybody see my mistake?
-- Eric Niebler Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk