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From: Doug Gregor (dgregor_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-07-27 14:33:55

The Boost.Typeof library does a lot of work to determine the type of
an expression. At last week's meeting, the C++ committee voted to add
"decltype" into the C++0x standard. decltype is what we want from
typeof: a proper, reference-preserving way to get the type of an
arbitrary expression.

As of today, GCC 4.3's experimental C++0x mode contains support for
decltype. I have updated the Boost Config library (on the CVS trunk)
to contain BOOST_HAS_DECLTYPE, indicating the presence of decltype. A
sufficiently-motivated person could certainly use this macro to give
a simple implementation of decltype for C++0x compilers...

There is nightly testing of Boost's trunk on the latest version of
GCC 4.3 (also built nightly), so we will get appropriate testing of C+
+0x features throughout Boost.

        - Doug

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