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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-09 14:23:36

on Thu Aug 09 2007, Daniel Wallin <> wrote:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> on Wed Aug 08 2007, "John Maddock" <> wrote:
>>> Just thinking out loud here, but I've always thought that our test results
>>> should be collected in a database: something like each test gets an XML
>>> result file describing the test result, which then gets logged in the
>>> database. The display application would query the database, maybe in
>>> real-time for specific queries and present the results etc.
>> Sure, that's what the Trac plugin would do.
>>> Thinking somewhat outside the box here ... but could SVN be
>>> conscripted for this purpose,
>> The biggest downside of that idea is that it would be very expensive
>> in SVN resources to ever give real-time feedback from testing, because
>> you'd need a separate checkin for each build step.
> .. And it would clutter our revision history with test log
> checkins.

Yes, that exactly puts a finger on something I was worried about but
couldn't articulate. On the other hand, that's something you deal
with any time you have lots of semi-unrelated activity in source
control. For example, the sandbox and the boost release tree are all
together (not to mention all the separate libraries).

> And we'd loose all capability of making complex queries on the
> data.

What did you have in mind?

> What are the upsides to using svn for this, when there are
> proper databases available?

Good question.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting
The Astoria Seminar ==>

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