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From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-09 14:37:10

Daniel Wallin wrote:
> David Abrahams wrote:
>> on Wed Aug 08 2007, "John Maddock" <> wrote:
>>> Just thinking out loud here, but I've always thought that our test results
>>> should be collected in a database: something like each test gets an XML
>>> result file describing the test result, which then gets logged in the
>>> database. The display application would query the database, maybe in
>>> real-time for specific queries and present the results etc.

Since I'm the one who mentioned this to Dave, and it's something I never
got around to mentioning at BoostCon, here's the summary I had in mind:

** As each Boost.Build action completes Boost.Build submits the results
directly to a database. There is no intermediate XML format to deal
with, no formatting, etc. **

Other tools would take the data from the DB and do further processing.
The important fact to consider here is that there are way more tools,
utilities, libraries, and personnel experience with manipulating
databases. We might not need to use our own tools for this. It's likely
we can find database reporting tools that are close to we want. Hence
the goal is to move the data to a medium we now well, and can support
better. We also happen to get the benefit of immediate result feedback.
Essentially this is the reporting side equivalent to BuildBot.

-- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- Redshift Software, Inc. -
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