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From: Matthias Troyer (troyer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-10 00:22:41

On 9 Aug 2007, at 17:27, Eric Niebler wrote:
> Matthias Troyer wrote:
>> How do you express the delta series as a run then? length 1?
> For integer offsets, yes. For floating point, no. The time series
> currently has a notion of an "indivisible" run -- one that cannot be
> divided into smaller time slices. For float, that is essentially a run
> like [3.14,3.14] -- a closed range. That mostly works, but it leads to
> some inconsistent handling of termination conditions, since all other
> runs are half-open. The solution may involve nothing more than
> establishing a convention, or it may involve promoting the concept of
> Point to the same importance as Run and specializing algorithms
> appropriately. It'll take some thought.

I think that this is indeed the main and only problem with floating
point offsets and it will take some thought. I am not yet sure which
solution would be best, but nothing more than what you mentioned
should be needed.


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