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From: Ben Bear (benbearchen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-08 11:19:16

2007/12/6, Hervé Brönnimann <hervebronnimann_at_[hidden]>:
> Most importantly (and there can be typos in other pages, but this one
> I've tried to get as clean as possible):

Some things about Date:2007-12-4

Page 3: Point 3 two functions:

If change the argument "Function f" to "Function vistor", I think it's
easy to understand.

Page 8: Point 31 Note:

"... and then std::reverse(first,last) followed by

should change to:

"... and then std::reverse(first,last) followed by
std::reverse(first,middle) and std::reverse(middle,last)."

std::reverse(first,middle) should be added. Because after
std::reverse(first,last), the range [first,middle) is not sorted, but
the combination requires it to be sorted.


I want to add one book:

Knuth, D.E., "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4, Fascicle
    3, Generating All Combinations and Partitions", China Machine
    Press, 2006. p1, p4

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