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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-13 04:58:23

Paul A Bristow wrote:

> You will find essential John Maddock's patches for NTL used with the
> Math Toolkit - in the sandbox until 1.35 is out. And it would be
> really nice if we could persuade the author Victor Shoup to release
> at least the base part of NTL under the Boost license - is GPL at
> present.

Actually I've removed the patches and written a thin wrapper class instead
in boost/math/bindings/rr.hpp. Hopefully folks will provide bindings for
other popular packages at some point as well :-)

Only trouble you might have:

* NTL's error handler aborts on error: including on numeric *underflow*,
something I find really annoying :-(
* NTL's << streaming operator is temperamental: has a habbit of writing out
the result as an integer where possible, even if the number of digits far
exceeds what you can paste into C++ code as a literal. There's no way to
force it into scientific mode either.

Other than that it would be interesting to hear your experiences of using

HTH, John.

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