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From: Frank Mori Hess (frank.hess_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-06-12 10:12:43

Hash: SHA1

It's occurred to me that thread-safe automatic connection management for
signal/slot connections made in an object's constructor to one of its member
functions could be accomplished by using a boost::trackable class that looks

class trackable: public enable_shared_from_this<trackable>

Above, I'm only requiring the "classic" enable_shared_from_this functionality,
no special support for shared_from_this in constructors, etc.

You would derive from trackable, visit_each would discover it inside bind
objects, and its destructor would disconnect its associated connections,
similar to how the current signals library works. It would do a bit more
though. When the signal is invoked, it would:

1) check that the connection has not been disconnected. If not, it calls
shared_from_this() to obtain a shared_ptr which can be used for connection
tracking in the usual thread_safe_signals way. Calling shared_from_this can
be made safe since the trackable destructor (which disconnects) will be
called before the enable_shared_from_this destructor.

2) if the shared_ptr from shared_from_this is empty, that means the trackable
object is either in the process of being destroyed, or hasn't been passed to
an external shared_ptr owner yet. In either case, the slot is skipped by the
signal invocation.

However, there is a downside to this and other schemes where the signal/slot
connection is made in the constructor but blocked until the object is passed
to an external shared_ptr. In a common use case, an observer will connect to
an observed object's signal and then manually query the observed object once
to get its initial state. It can then rely on the signal to keep in sync
with any changes the observed object undergoes. If the signal is blocked
until the observer is owned by an external shared_ptr, it raises the
possibility of the observer getting out of sync with the observed, since a
signal could occur and be missed after the manual query of the observed
object's initial state. So, doing all the connection setup in a
postconstructor still seems preferable.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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