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From: Daryle Walker (darylew_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-08-21 19:07:19

In revision 48279 at <>, I
added a class that will submit bytes to a MD5-processor byte-wise if
CHAR_BIT was a factor of the hash block size, 512 bits. (This
satisfies most computers since they have CHAR_BIT as 8.) I was
wondering if anyone would like to try out the library, both people
who have a system with CHAR_BIT == 8 and those who not, including
those who have a system with 512 % CHAR_BIT == 0 even when CHAR_BIT
isn't 8. I also need help checking little- vs. big-endian systems
(if CHAR_BIT == 8). This will test all the optimizations. There are
two preprocessor flags controlling optimizations, so try all
qualifying combinations of those settings too. I hope this code is
as speedy as C-based MD5 code.

Daryle Walker
Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
darylew AT hotmail DOT com

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