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Subject: Re: [boost] location for PDF docs?
From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-04 13:51:47

Steven Watanabe wrote:
>> + <format>pdf:<xsl:param>img.src.path=$(images_location)/
>> This path never gets embedded in the pdf, only the images used do,
>> right?

Right, it's just so the FO processor can actually find the images.

>>> Things I've noticed:
>>> * Links to source files and headers are broken, I think this may be
>>> fixable with some more xsl:param's, but haven't looked into it.
>> The links in the reference are controlled by <xsl:param>boost.root.
>> The others
>> are in quickbook and are set up for generating html. I've never been
>> able to
>> come with a good way to control them.

No me neither, I was hoping there would be an xsl:param to rewrite the URL
prefix in ulinks, but apparently not.


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