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Subject: Re: [boost] [unordered] Buffered functions?
From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-11-30 15:07:44

on Thu Nov 27 2008, "Daniel James" <> wrote:

> 2008/11/27 David Abrahams <dave_at_[hidden]>:
>> Yes, I figured it was something like that. It still doesn't make sense
>> to me. If the number of repeated values in a bucket is small, it won't
>> hurt to traverse all of them. If it is really large enough that
>> traversing all equal values to get to the next value is expensive, it
>> will destroy O(1) lookup in any buckets with collisions.
> That's always an issue with hash tables. But you can improve matters
> by using a better hash function or lowering the maximum load factor.

Yes, but if you improve it enough, you don't end up with multiple key
values in a single bucket, so your extra pointer is wasted.

> But if your container is slowing down because you have elements with
> equal keys there's nothing you can do.

Please define "container is slowing down." I can't picture what you

> Maybe you could use unordered_map<key, vector<value> >?
>> Did anyone
>> profile this in a real application and find it to be a win?
> No, and nobody has found it to be a loss either.

It's a manifest loss; I don't need to profile it to see that the
overhead per stored element can be significant!

> It isn't about optimization, it's about meeting the complexity
> requirements.

Where did these requirements come from? In generic programming,
complexity requirements should never be so strict that they impose
significant efficiency cost. If that requirement is in the standard,
it's a bug.

>> Stable order when inserting is nice, but ought to be achievable without
>> the overhead of an extra pointer per node.
> Stable order is not just nice, it's a requirement.

Again, whence the requirement?

> But it was never the main purpose of this design, I implemented it
> before the standard changed,


> but it is a nice side product.

Sorry, I'm confused.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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