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Subject: Re: [boost] [uuid] Interface
From: Vladimir Batov (batov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-12-21 07:58:48

> I was careful to say equivalent, not equal, since even when things
> don't have any kind of comparison operator, C++03 still has the
> requirement that a copy of an object (whether from copy-construction
> or assigned) must be equivalent to the original, so the concept is
> there.

Yes, I understand that you've been talking about equivalency. My point was
that I was under impression you were extending (unduly IMHO) the equivalency
(a requirement for the copy contructor) onto comparability as you were
stressing that for the following the first 10 entries will end up different
from the last 10:

v.resize(10, uuid())
v.resize(20, uuid())

The equivalency requirement is about copying those second parameters into
'v'. And we are safe there, aren't we? There is no mention of all 20 being
comparably equal (and in general terms we cannot expect that as op==() is
not a given). Yes, it indeed looks somewhat weird if we are to treat classes
as they were integers. Still, that "weirdness" does not prevent uuid with
"my" behavior to be a regular type as per Stepanov: "... equality is defined
through a pair-wise equality of the corresponding parts. I call objects
satisfying such laws regular."

> Anyways, did you have any comments on my view of UUIDs as resource
> handles?

Well, I think you have a point about UUIDs as resource handles. To me that
view is a *deployment* view (like a key in std::map can be interpreted as a
"resource handler", "pointer" to the actual resource). On that somewhat
architectural level the notion of a "pointer" (or "resource handler") is
obviously very different from and much broader than "my" view -- the
*behavioral* view of the class itself.

What I'd like to do in the discussion is to somewhat step back and clarify
my initial goal. I "jumped" in with a clear intention to look at the review
from the average user point of view. That is the position many are
overwhelmingly in (using myriads of libraries developed by others).
Therefore, I intentionally wanted to limit myself to the interface and the
interface through the user's (not the developer's) eyes. From that point of
view I felt that it was important to stay focused on the interface so that
is complete but minimal, consistent and intuitive, unambiguous, with the
minimum of new vocabulary and minimum of coupling. That's why I was happy to
see conversions to/from string branched off into an orthogonal functionality
(lexical_cast). That's why I would not want to see generators convertible
into or aware of uuids. That's why I'd like to see all constructors behaving
consistently and by the book. That's why I'd like to see a *special*
uuid::nil() created via different "special" and explicit means. That's why
I'd like to see the most convenient deployment operator (the def. cnstr)
behaving as-others and assigned to the most used deployment pattern (IMHO of
course). Now if this primary goal contradicts some subtle behavior (which I
am convinced of :-) ), let's work around that to accommodate *both* sides
(in fact, I'd still favored the user side as the user will be ultimately
deciding the success/failure of our effort). With regard to the default
constructor it seems like disabling it would be the best compromise. I hope
we won't be arguing that all classes must have the default constructor so
that we could use operator[] on std::map<string, some-class>.


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