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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost::Graph --- why does this program not compile?
From: Andrew Sutton (andrew.n.sutton_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-01-28 18:38:10

> template <class Graph>
> inline Graph orthogonality_relation() {
> typedef std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> edge_type;
> std::vector<edge_type> ev;
> Graph g(ev.begin(), ev.end(), 0, 0);
> return g;
> }
> typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::vecS,
> boost::undirectedS> UndirectedGraph;

Its probably a collaboration of problems between the pair<unsigned,
unsigned> and the listS in the adjacency list. It looks like the graph is
expecting a vertex descriptor to be a pointer (hence the unary *), but it's
getting an unsigned (which can't be dereferenced). Try changing listS to
vecS and see if that fixes the problem.

Andrew Sutton

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