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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost Lite Version
From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-03-13 11:42:17

Jean-Sebastien Stoezel wrote:
> I have been using Boot for desktop applications and I'm very happy
> with it. It allows me to write portable and reusable code on all the
> platforms I've been supporting.
> I also develop C++ applications for small embedded devices, that have
> very limited ROM and RAM capabilities (several hundreds of kilo bytes
> of ROM and dozens of kilobytes of RAM). The Boost libraries cannot be
> used as is for these devices, since the OSes (RTOS I should say) that
> run on these devices are not supported by Boost.

Hi Jean-Sebastien,

I have been using several of the more light-weight Boost libraries in
embedded applications, including iterator, smart pointers, bind,
integer, function, operators and a handful of others. Obviously things
like Boost.Thread need OS support, but most don't.

Perhaps it could be useful to identify those libraries that have an "OS
layer" (most have POSIX and Windows backends, I believe) and those that
are "language only" - but I would think that it should be pretty
obvious which are which, in most cases.

Are there some particular libraries that you have in mind?


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