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Subject: Re: [boost] google-analytics and privacy
From: Daniel James (daniel_james_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-04-29 17:19:17

2009/4/27 Daniel James <daniel_james_at_[hidden]>:
> It shouldn't be too hard to add a check to inspect. I think the only
> allowed external links should be in 'a' tags. Maybe also for some
> 'link' tags depending on their 'rel' attribute, although that will
> require better parsing.

I've just added a check to inspect and removed the google analytics
script tags from gil.

Apart from these script tags the inspect script is now flagging a lot
of external images. Almost all of these are either the boost logo or
W3C valid html logos. For all the boost logo images I've changed them
to use a local copy. I guess we can include a copy of the W3C logos
with boost, I think their only redistribution requirement is that
they're only used on valid pages, so I guess we're allowed to include
them, but they won't be under the boost license - does that matter?

Boost.Graph also uses a lot of external images which seem to be mostly
charts generated by a php script.


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