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Subject: Re: [boost] [GIL] image rescale algorithms
From: Nicolas Lelong (rotoglup_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-09-16 15:15:05

> vertical_flip is up_side_down? Mhmm, is it just me or is this
> counterintuitive?
> hehe, various people, various conventions - it looks like FreeImage (once
more) has a similar notion than mine - it looks like this function is a good
candidate to be renamed to 'flip_upside_down' then !

Let me know how it goes.

Sure, I got to find some spare time to integrate the changes.

> The io_new extension depends already on libjpeg, libpng, and libtiff.

OK, I didn't get that there were external dependencies.

> FWIW, a potential freeimage extension should have the same interface
> as the current io_new interface.

Fair enough, could you point me to some documentation that describes the
public interface of io_new library ? I'll see if I can conform to it.

> That's why I thought of adding it to
> io_new. On the contrary, image magick might be even better since has
> many more formats. Just to get the gil::io stuff over and down with. I
> mean boost would have all the necessary formats available.

At the expense of additional external dependencies, yes. ImageMagick could
be another candidate, or XnView API, or DevIL, or OpenImageIO - there are
many flavours out there, depending on features required by people - it would
be hard to match everyone needs. I'm pretty glad with FreeImage right now
for my needs, so I'm not ready to invest time elsewhere.


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